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Commissioned by City of Yarra Plinth Project  /  Appeared at Fed Sq for Sustainable September

The Unsung Hero  

  • 2019  /  Wood, steel, paint   /  Photograph by J. Forsyth

A plinth is an historical site for the revered, those we are told to remember and admire. The playful juxtaposition between this cultural structure of the plinth and the placement of the humble earthworm—raised up on a pedestal and represented on a momentous scale—is humorous and yet deeply meaningful. Silently in darkness the earthworm has been going about its business, doing the important and under-rated work of turning decaying matter into nutrients for plants. It is one of the hardest working and most unrecognised members of our biotic community. Their burrows bring water and air deep into the ground providing the right conditions for root growth, creating the healthy soil that we all depend on. I believe it is time that we honoured this unsung hero, and  raise the earthworm up onto the plinth. It is a reminder of our dependence on ecological cycles, the importance of composting our green waste and to think about the lifecycles of the matter that we consume.

The offical launch and Worm Party was held on the 20th of October 2019. The Gould League held a free worm composting session and information stall on the day, and lots of other worm activities. The event was launched by the Mayor of Yarra with a speech by Dr Tessa Laird.

ABC RADIO conversation –  (includes Permaculture founder David Holmgren comenting on the Unsung Hero)

‘The Age’ Article