Join the club!
Blackwood Art & Ecology Club
The Blackwood Art & Ecology Club will gather once a month throughout 2025 in the forest hamlet of Blackwood. It’s all about getting together, sharing knowledge and getting creative. The program includes a series of visual art workshops for children, adults and families based around an ecological theme. The themes will playfully explore facets of the local natural environment and cyclic systems of nature.
Check out the website for ongoing updated information about workshops throughout the year.
Supported by FRRR Strengthening Rural Communities Grant / 2025
The first two workshops are open for bookings:
Sunday February 2 at 1pm
Come and give ‘The Unsung Hero’ a hug in it’s new home in Blackwood. Explore my garden and make a worm soft sculpture of your very own! Great for ages 3-6 years.
Join the afternoon public workshop
Sunday March 2 at 12:30pm
Get inspired by the amazing variety of seeds on the seed table. We will think about how seeds find a new place to grow and then make our own flying seeds and test them to see how far they travel.
Join the afternoon public workshop
More workshops will open for bookings as the year progresses, stay tuned!